AutoTrain has been using the Internet to deliver video lectures since 2000, so we have in depth knowledge of Internet video technologies both past and present and the pitfalls and problems involved when using video on your website. We can provide consultancy on any of the following:
- MPEG-DASH specialist (ISO approved successor to Apple HLS and Microsoft SmoothStream). AutoTrain has provided consultancy to DASH-IF members for the purposes of developing conformance tests for this standard.
- Encoding and delivery of video via the internet to multiple client types.
- Flash video delivery using Red5
- Delivery to Real Player, Windows Media Player and Quicktime using the Helix Universal Server
- Troubleshooting encoder tool chains which use MP4 or MPEG2-TS containers and AVC/H264 or HEVC/H265 video.
- Training in the use of internet video technologies.
- Lecture Capture Technology
Please contact us with your requirements and we will be happy to provide you with a quote.